A Corporal Work of Mercy—A New Day Has Dawned

By Matthew D. Ruhl, SJ
Wednesday/September 6, 2017/Belize City


Most Catholics cannot recite the traditional Corporal Works of Mercy; nonetheless, the corporal work in which we excel here at St. Martin’s is burying the dead. There are many, many unchurched persons living on the south side around St. Martin’s. So when an unchurched person dies, what does the family of the deceased do? They come to St. Martin’s. Instinctively, they come to St. Martin’s. We bury as many non-Catholics as Catholics. It is a corporal work of mercy and a genuine labor of love. It takes terrific patience to open up the church to so many who know nothing of the Faith. Bottles of alcohol come into the church, often there is little understanding for the sanctuary as a sacred place, “hymns” are frequently the favorite pop song of the deceased, weed is smoked and alcohol consumed outside during the service, there is most time lots and lots of chatter throughout the service, every now and again a drunken mourner makes a spectacle of himself in the middle of the service, and once in awhile an Evangelical feels compelled to interrupt the service to loudly testify. Services, frequently not Masses, can be a genuine trial. Now…you might say, if it is so disagreeable why don’t you stop it and bury only known Catholics? Continue reading by clicking here.

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