Relief to Anguish—Big John—P.G.—Fr. Sam Gets a Fan

By Matthew D. Ruhl, SJ
Wednesday/August 30, 2017/Punta Gorda

Holy Smokes. When Hurricane Harvey skipped right around Belize, we breathed a sigh of relief. But that relief has been replaced by anguish over Harvey’s devastating impact along the Texas coast. Well versed in hurricane horror, Belizeans have great empathy for Hurricane victims. Our prayers are with you, Texas.

On August 29th the Church celebrates the Passion of John the Baptist. The Baptist had heroic humility. This firebrand ceded the stage to Jesus, instructing his disciples that it was Jesus, not him, who was the one to come. John’s disciples resisted surrendering John’s authority and leadership to embrace Jesus. In the meantime, John himself had his own uncertainties about this man who was once his disciple. But the Baptist had terrific faith to go along with his humility. Continue reading by clicking here.

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